Will Benny The Blenny Starve?


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
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Hi: So our new 46 gallon reef tank is set up and has completed it cycle. The nitrates are under control at around 20ppm, but we've gottn this terrible brown algea and some red slime growth that has covered almost all of the new live rock. It's also creaping onto the subsrate.
Before this outburst of diatom algae, we got a Sailfin Blenny, Algae blenny. I'm not 100% sure what kind of algae he eats, but I'm mostly concerned that if this brown gunk is all over he won't eat at all. What can I do to make sure he's getting the proper nutrition?
Most blennies will eat any sort of fish food that is offered. Many are sold as algae eaters because they will graze on algae but they should also be fed a normal fish food diet to prevent malnutrition. Just offer it some normal fish food and see if it eats it. If it doesn't eat for a few days it won’t starve. Unlike mammals that use most of the food they eat to keep warm, fish take their body temperature from the surrounding water. Thus any food they eat goes straight into building muscle and for swimming. This means they can go for weeks or even months without food.
You can also try Nori sheets or dried seaweed from your local asian market ;)

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