Will Any Of Your Bettas Eat Flakes?


Sep 3, 2005
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Just for fun I thought that I'd try and feeding my betta flakes both bettas in the 2.5g ate it and seemed so excited and gobbeled it down quickly, guess they really do like a varity from the granules, and the betta in the 1g also ate it pretty fast. So does any of your bettas eat flakes?
All of mine will (except the Wilds) but I don't give it to them very often, and they hesitate before they go for it. They're probably thinking "Where's the good stuff?" :lol:
Mine eat anything, the minute they think someone else is getting something better they are there begging as well. :drool:
Offering a variety of foods will make them more open-minded to any and everything. Mine will eat anything without asking any questions, flakes,bananas, zucchini, frozen foods, pellets. You name it- they'll consume it like savages. Although I rarely feed flakes or pellets- maybe once a week. I have these awesome Earthworm Flakes that I use, they even smell tasty....if I were a fish.
Most will although the crisp type is far more popular with mine all round. One boy will not. looks at it like it's something unpleasant and ignores it. He will only take live or frozen food. :rolleyes: Not my fault since I haven't had him all that long but he won't change his mind either. Thankfully I have two dwarf puffers that demand the same anyway so I always have some to hand for him. Happily all my fry (gourami not betta...yet!) do eat absolutely everything! I've raised them on as many different foods as pos and they love it all. :lol:

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