Hey guys. I was thinking of adding more day-time movement to my aquarium's bottom floor, but I don't know if I have the room.
Stocking is as so (ignore the signature, it needs updating)
75 gallons, heavily decorated with driftwood, no plants
temperature 76F
pH 7.6
1 red spotted severum
1 green terror
10 buenos aires tetras (will go up to 20 as soon as the barbs and rainbows are rehomed)
3 raphael catfish
1 featherfin
1 bristlenose
I was thinking of getting a school of angelicus botia (at least, that's what they're labeled as at petsmart) but I don't know if I have the room with the raphaels and featherfin, even though those guys only come out at night hours. Would this be possible, or should I just leave the bottom floor as it sits? Thanks much.
Stocking is as so (ignore the signature, it needs updating)
75 gallons, heavily decorated with driftwood, no plants
temperature 76F
pH 7.6
1 red spotted severum
1 green terror
10 buenos aires tetras (will go up to 20 as soon as the barbs and rainbows are rehomed)
3 raphael catfish
1 featherfin
1 bristlenose
I was thinking of getting a school of angelicus botia (at least, that's what they're labeled as at petsmart) but I don't know if I have the room with the raphaels and featherfin, even though those guys only come out at night hours. Would this be possible, or should I just leave the bottom floor as it sits? Thanks much.