Will All These Invertebrates And Frogs Live Together?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 28, 2007
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ghost shrimp (Palaeomonetes species)
3 african dwarf frogs (Hymenochirus boettgeri)
Singapore Flower Shrimp(Atyopsis moluccensis)
vampire shrimp (attya gabonese)
cherry shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata)
Japonica Amano Shrimp(Caridina japonica)
blue myster snail
In my experience, ADFs don't hunt and can't catch shrimp. I've kept them in tanks with Cherries in the past, and I've never seen an attack once. The closest they come to trying to eat one is when the bloodworms or other food is in the water - then they can get quite voracious and try to eat anything that comes near them - including other frogs. That said, they aren't really all that successful in doing much but annoying shrimp. If you're trying to breed the cherries it might be a problem, but otherwise I'd say I see no issues.
so it would work. My thought would b the bigger shrimp would eat the smaller shrimp. although the vampire shrimp is a filter feeder

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