Will Adults Eat Springtails?


Aug 8, 2005
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can anyone tell me if adults eat springtails, and if they can be used to condition them ? Thanks
Yes, they can eat them. Think about the fish in the wild, no one is there to govern over their diet (how DO they do it without us?!?). They're fine for conditioning but it will take many a springtail to fill up an adult.
LOL wuv stop making me feel bad, I don't know what they eat in real life. Well my springtails are growing good.
Lucky you!!!
Mine aren't :( They're still growing of course but I don't have them exploding out of everywhere as I should because it's so hot here. We're getting a cold front tonight and I'm so excited because now my cultures will take off :rolleyes:
Oh my gosh it's freezing here, maybe that's why they grow?
But really I don't think they will eat bbs at 5 days any more than they would MW's. Not sure but will get a hold of some bbs. The thing is my airpump is so loud and if I have to leave it on overnight I'll never sleep. And it even said on the box it was quiet! Hmmm...
Well my grindals aren't going anywhere. I don't think I'll get any of those. :(
Hi Synirr,

So are springtails easily come by able, or do they just appear if the conditions are right, I've never heard of anyone offering a starter culture of these ?
I *think* they appear if conditions are right but I got a starter culture, so it's easy :)
Amerce, are you in the states? I can send you a culture, just PM me :)
Although you might get some grindals as well, I've let them get together somehow :rolleyes:
I wish, sorry no I'm in the UK, but thanks for the offer. I was just curious really, I have microworms for my fry but I am always interested in something to supplement their diet.

Variety is the spice of life :hey:
wuv, my grindals just don't want to grow! lol
I should have taken a picture for you last night before I changed my cultures food source. Mine haven't been going good either and I've recently been offering them oatmeal, which was not a hit, so I switched back to rabbit food in a couple of spots a couple of days ago. I opened the lid to check on them last night and the rabbit food was covered in worms- while the oatmeal sat there untouched. So,rabbit food it is! I should have known better than to try new things.
Anybody in your dorm keep gerbils? Perhaps you can rob them of a few pellets.
Portion of one of my cultures after two days of rabbit food...

Amerce, if you can find them in your area, buy them! :nod: I think they're one of the perfect foods.
Ew sick, see I don't know if I even had any live ones come out of the bags when you sent them. I saw like one that was it. We have gerbil pellets at home. That will work? Hmm

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