Will A Hoplo Catfish Eat 1cm Long Shrimp?

In the main hoplos are harmless But shrimp that small may easily be mistaken for food
In the main hoplos are harmless But shrimp that small may easily be mistaken for food
Would you chance it? I have about 15 small shrimp and a hoplo, but the hoplo can go in the 4 foot tank, the shrimp are in the 60 litre with some adult cherries, micro rasbora and lamp eyes
As said, i have a large hoplo, when i used to feed feeder shrimp to my oscar's the hoplo never took an intrest but who's to say other's won't....sorry...Hoplo are brilliant catfish :drool:
I think an adult hoplo would like the chance to try a 1cm shrimp. I havn't personally tried it but I wouldn't fancy adding one to my shrimp tank.

You could always try a few shrimp, cherrys are quite prolific so losses would be recovered pretty fast (abit heartless on the 'tester shrimp' but it will give you an answer one way or another). Though its my opinion the combination wont work, hoplo's can grow to 7" or so, given that smaller fish are a risk with cherry shrimp I think theres only one outcome.
Hmm I think he can go in the 4 foot lol
Just hope I see him and he doesn't hide! I have one polka dot loach in there I see a lot, but the talking catfish NEVER come out

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