Will a betta go in my tank


New Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Western Australia
i have a 2ft tank with 2 silver sharks and 10 neon tetras and 5 black line tetras with a box filter and 2 air stones and a 100w heater

iom looking to get 3-4 bettas will this work and what bettas communicate with each other and dont ffight
I'm afraid your tank is extremely overstocked as it is, I'd work on rehoming some of your current fish before thinking of adding new ones :/
As they grow, your silver sharks really need to be in a larger aquarium. Too small and its cruel. They love to swim and need lots of space to do so.
Bettas will be fine with most of your fish. The silversharks may be an issue since they can be slightly aggressive. As well your silvershark WILL eat your tetras once he gets older, FYI. Betta's are very inactive fish however, and really do better in a tank by themselves. They like to kinda float by the surface, and bigger tanks like yours have to much current for that...

P.S I just read the bottom of your post. ONE BETTA ONLY! Unless you have a male and a couple females, and even that is kinda risky. Betta's are aggressive towards each other, and males may even harm females.
Your sharks and bettas are a definite NO NO!Also a betta with another betta is a no no too.And the sharks may need a bigger tank :no:
actually bettas with others bettas isnt a no no, many wild species can be kept together as well as females.

If you wanted to get bettas, get rid of all the fish. This is so that you can get fish that will be perfect partners with your bettas, which would be females. The tetras minght nip at the bettas if they were male, but the females minght not like bright colored fish. None of mine ver did.

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