will a 150 watt heater heat my 11 gallon tank

150W is too powerful. Go for a 50W, IMO. Even a 75W would work, although it may be a bit powerful too.
Just some guidelines for you here

Visitherm heater @ 25W will heat up to 15 Gallons
Hagen Compact thermal @ 50W heat up to 10 Gallons

What type of heater is it? does it have a thermostat??
I just want to add: the typical wattage per gallon for heaters is between 5 and 6.

eg. 11 gallon tank x 5W = 55W or
11 gallon tank x 6W = 66W

So, you'd want a heater that is between 55W and 66W. Therefore, you should either go with a 50W or a 75W heater. :)
Yeah a 175 is pretty crazy...I have 150-175W Ebo-Jagers on my 33's! :S Don't do it! :crazy: :blink: :hyper: :/
if u gonna use a powerfull heater... u just dont have to turn it on very high..

does it have a thermostat?
yah it has a thermostat and it can go down to 16 degrees centigrade or 60 farenheit would that be ok cos i goes up to 32 degrees centigrade/90
theres no point in buying a new heater..

if u can keep the thermostat at about 78 or whatever..

theres no need whatsoever to buy a new heater if you alrdy have one that works

i donno why everyone telling u to get new one.. if the one u have has a thermostat who cares how many watts or volts or whatever it is

I don't think he has the heater yet.. Read the first post.

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