If it is a shrimp only tank, there is no need to cycle it.
With lots of plants and botanical like Catappa and oak leaves, very low and sparingly feeding at first.
A good water change schedule and slowly increase feeding over the months as the colony buildup.
The only thing I did with my shrimp tank is, let the plants establish a bit and the leaf litter gain some biofilm then added a dozen shrimps, a good dose of bacteria starter and nearly not fed them the first 2 weeks.
Use a shrimp safe plant fertilizer like NilocG ThriveC. This is a key factor in enabling your plants to use as much nitrogen as possible.
Also, use only high quality specialized shrimp food in the beginning they are formulated to last a lot longer in the water and have a much lower pollution output.
Wait until the tank establishes before starting to give blanked veggies etc...
Since the setup of my tank there has never been a sign of nitrogen in the water.