Wild Tetra?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
On a recent visit to a LFS, I saw a tank containing 'wild tetra'. They were very, very tiny - perhaps 1/3 of the size of a full grown neon tetra, or even smaller. Much smaller than any neon tetras I had ever seen for sale. They looked like neons - red tail, blue stripe, etc - but the guy in the shop said they'd stay tiny.

Are they wild caught neons? A new breed?

I really like the look of them but don't want to buy a school and then find I've just bought 10 neon tetra fry, lol.
On a recent visit to a LFS, I saw a tank containing 'wild tetra'. They were very, very tiny - perhaps 1/3 of the size of a full grown neon tetra, or even smaller. Much smaller than any neon tetras I had ever seen for sale. They looked like neons - red tail, blue stripe, etc - but the guy in the shop said they'd stay tiny.

Are they wild caught neons? A new breed?

I really like the look of them but don't want to buy a school and then find I've just bought 10 neon tetra fry, lol.
Not sure mate...... I've never heard of a tetra called tetra before, maybe I will be asking too much but............can you get a pic of those fishes? The only fishes that look like neon tetra is the cardinal tetra and the glowlight tetra..... cardinal tetras are usually mistaken for neon tetras by some shop dealers or usually by an aquarist.
Were they definitly the colour of normal neon tetas or were they green-ish? Green neon tetras are often wild caught (Haven't heard of any aquarium breeding but feel free to correct me) Green neon tetras grow to a maximum size of about 2cm so these might have been them :)

neons don't have red tails, they have clear tails. on some the red may extend onto the tail slightly, but still it is almost all clear.
also on the green neons i have seen there is far less red colouring and its the 'green' line that extends to the tail as opposed to the red in the normal neons.
neons don't have red tails, they have clear tails. on some the red may extend onto the tail slightly, but still it is almost all clear.
also on the green neons i have seen there is far less red colouring and its the 'green' line that extends to the tail as opposed to the red in the normal neons.

I was being woefully sloppy when I said the red extended into the tail. They had a pale, softer red in the same place that a neon tetra has the red, and the stripe on them was a greeny-blue, but hard to tell what colour it would be under natural light as they were in a dark tank with UV lights.

Sounds like green neon tetras from what I have read today.

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