Wild Or Tank Bread Sterbai?


Mar 11, 2009
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My new LFS (at the address im moving to in 4 days) stocks both wild caught and tank bread sterbais..of which i will be buying 6 or so.

What are the best to buy,what are the pros and cons of each?

Im imagining the cons of the wild caught ones are that they have nowhere near the freedom that they are used to wheras tank bread dont know any better?
Hi craig855s :)

I prefer to buy wild caught fish too, especially if the wild ones are mature and the tank raised ones are young, which is often the case. This way you know what you are getting and avoid any problems with raising the younger fish to maturity which is something that can be a problem if their growing conditions were less than ideal at the fish farm.
I tend to disagree with others here. If I have th option of captive bred or wild caught, I would prefer to buy the captives because the industry is already doing a lot of damage to wild stocks of many species of fish and its not a sustainable practice for so many species. Wild caught fish are often hardier and healthier than captives because they have been subjected to the creulty of natural selection. Having said that, the only wild caught fish I have experience with are introduced species I have caught myself. The die off rates are horrendous and I imagine in order for 6 fish to make it to the fish shop, probably another 20 lose their life in along the journey. Its a practice I don't want anything to do with.
i was against wild fish until i had a chat with a supplier of wild corys - who told me that for some villiages this is the whole source of their income is the catching of wild fish -

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