Hey everyone,
I have three tanks at home right now.
I have one with a Kribensis Pair and a school of Australian Rainbows which is 20 gallons, and another one with two VERY small goldfish and some tadpoles in a 12 gallon, that are going to be moved to a large Sterilite Bin at my next paycheck
My largest tank is a 33 gallon long that I sealed rather messily myself....in it, I have one moonlight Gourami, one golden gourami, two redeyed tetras, two hifin platys, one sunburst platy, a featherfin catfish, and five zebra danios. I've had most of these fish for years, and most of them were some of my first fish, and have gone through many upgrades since my first five gallon!
Anyways, my question is...the other day, I was driving with my mom and we noticed a large ditch full of rain water/runoff with cattails. My mom likes cattails, and..well, I like exploring mucky places in hopes of finding something interesting...so we pulled over. I was happy to find large clusters of very nice looking duckweed and very green moss growing beneath the water. I collected some, and noticed a lot of snails and boreal chorus frog tadpoles, some with legs. The water smelled like a pond, not like a sewer or anything...I wasn't afraid to step in it, in barefeet, it was quite deep (past my knees in the center) and filled with moss. You could tell it had been there for quite awhile, there were frogs everywhere, and all sorts of creatures living in it.
I collected a bunch of moss and duckweed and floated it in my dogs water bucket, much to his disgust, until we got home...I then rinsed it in dechlorinated, cycled water and put some into my goldfish's tank. The algae cleared up quickly...im not sure if that's because of the plants, or because of all the snails. The goldfish seem a lot more active, and like pecking at the plants, and the water is a lot clearer. I have a aquaclear filter meant for a 20 gallon on it. I realized I also had five tadpoles, to large for the goldfish, but to small to harm the goldfish.
My question is, I have a lot of these plants left over, just waiting in a bucket to be used....I risked it with the goldfish because they're better with pond type environments and critters. Do you think that these plants are clean enough and safe enough, by the sounds of my descriptions, to risk putting them in my other tanks?
Thanks for your help! sorry for the lack of intro, this was sort of a wake up in the middle of the night brainstorm question, and im too tired to make one now
I have three tanks at home right now.
I have one with a Kribensis Pair and a school of Australian Rainbows which is 20 gallons, and another one with two VERY small goldfish and some tadpoles in a 12 gallon, that are going to be moved to a large Sterilite Bin at my next paycheck
My largest tank is a 33 gallon long that I sealed rather messily myself....in it, I have one moonlight Gourami, one golden gourami, two redeyed tetras, two hifin platys, one sunburst platy, a featherfin catfish, and five zebra danios. I've had most of these fish for years, and most of them were some of my first fish, and have gone through many upgrades since my first five gallon!
Anyways, my question is...the other day, I was driving with my mom and we noticed a large ditch full of rain water/runoff with cattails. My mom likes cattails, and..well, I like exploring mucky places in hopes of finding something interesting...so we pulled over. I was happy to find large clusters of very nice looking duckweed and very green moss growing beneath the water. I collected some, and noticed a lot of snails and boreal chorus frog tadpoles, some with legs. The water smelled like a pond, not like a sewer or anything...I wasn't afraid to step in it, in barefeet, it was quite deep (past my knees in the center) and filled with moss. You could tell it had been there for quite awhile, there were frogs everywhere, and all sorts of creatures living in it.
I collected a bunch of moss and duckweed and floated it in my dogs water bucket, much to his disgust, until we got home...I then rinsed it in dechlorinated, cycled water and put some into my goldfish's tank. The algae cleared up quickly...im not sure if that's because of the plants, or because of all the snails. The goldfish seem a lot more active, and like pecking at the plants, and the water is a lot clearer. I have a aquaclear filter meant for a 20 gallon on it. I realized I also had five tadpoles, to large for the goldfish, but to small to harm the goldfish.
My question is, I have a lot of these plants left over, just waiting in a bucket to be used....I risked it with the goldfish because they're better with pond type environments and critters. Do you think that these plants are clean enough and safe enough, by the sounds of my descriptions, to risk putting them in my other tanks?
Thanks for your help! sorry for the lack of intro, this was sort of a wake up in the middle of the night brainstorm question, and im too tired to make one now