Wild Apple Snail Ok?


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Hey all,
I was just wondering can I put wild apple snails in with my bettas? I am able to get them from pond out back. Would they carry any diseases that pet store variety wouldn't have? Is there any other snail I could get? Thanks for any info. :good:
Which species are the introduced apple snails in your area? Remember some get considerably bigger and devour plants.

If the pond has fish there's a higher possibility of disease, but I really wouldn't worry about it.
You could try taking one and putting it in a smaller different tank for the mean time just to prepare it for going into the tank. Let it get rid of the rubbish inside it and let it get used to what its going to be like inside the tank before you add it. The pet shop ones have grown up in real clean conditions compared to wild ones, so maybe getting one from a local shop might be a better idea.

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