Wiggly Worms!?!?!?!?!


Jun 30, 2005
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Washington DC
I just added some water to DeLaunce's tank to replace water that had evaporated, and it stirred up some stuff in the tank, and I noticed a bunch of wiggly worms floating in the water. Anyone have any idea what these are or where they came from? It's a 2 gallon tank with 2 moss balls and some hornwort. Are these parasites? I haven't seen him eat any of them. I usually feed DeLaunce freeze dried daphnia, frozen brine shrimp, HBH betta bites and freeze dried blood worms.
sounds like planaria...which is'nt usually harmful to fish, however its found in tanks with either too much waste or un eaten food,if they came from under the gravel then they probably are planaria.

If i remember they are more of a problem to egg laying fish, that leave eggs un attended.they are known as voracious egg eaters!

Planaria are present in tanks with too mush waste or uneaten food, so its quite easy to prevent them, but a bit harder to rid your self of them.

i'd get a second opinion, but it does sound like it.

Just a funny note:

I always have nematodes in my spawn tanks. Not sure why, but they are always there, in fry tanks too. Fry do eat them! And I only feed live food and keep spotless tanks:) Weird huh.

(edit: my snail does like to eat them!)
Aren't microworms nematodes? The worms in my tank look like microworms but about 5 times bigger. I think I might have to move DeLaunce and then nuke that tank. I'm having a bit of an algae problem in that tank as well.
If they're actually wiggling (like in "s" shapes), they're just harmless nematodes that live in the mulm and sometimes plants. Snails will sometimes carry them too. As already mentioned, baby fish will eat them (and, yes, microworms and vinegar eels are nematodes too) but most adult fish just ignore htem (might eat 'em if they got hungry enough). If you do once or twice weekly tank cleanings, eventually the worms will die from lack of food.
I usually do a 100% water change about once a week. Where did they come from? Can they just spontaneously generate?!?!?!
My red and black plakat got attacked by some evil worm thing that killed of one of bloozoo's ladies last august...i keep the tank super clean..only thing i can think of is live/frozen food?
I have some weird worm things in my tanks as well...they are about 3/4" - 1" long when fully stretched out...but they also shrink up quite small though when they move around. They are either dark brown or black, from what I can tell....they hide in the gravel alot lol...the guppies love chasing them.
Jolt, I would think they came with the moss balls, and they reproduce in that. I have moss balls and water sprite in a tank just growing by a window, and I don't add any food/fish but there is a lot of infusoria and some planaria in there. :)
Nematodes are everywhere. Fish might even carry nematode eggs inside of them from things they have eaten off the bottom of a tank. What's in your mossballs probably aren't nematodes. Might be blackworms or tubifex worms that got loose, or planaria (which come in a variety of shades) or leeches or flukes or some other heinous parasite worm. Planaria are pretty harmless and will eat leftover foodstuff and rotting stuff in the tank--but will also eat fish eggs on the bottom of the tank (or on leaves or wherever the worms can get to them) and they multiply fast and furiously. Some fish will eat them but all of my fish seem to find their taste, ah, not platable (so I have to do regular planaria hunts to keep the population down). Anything parasitic you do not want in with your fish. And, yes, they can sometimes come in via live food (frozen food is supposed to be safe but who really knows--I don't think there is anyone policing the frozen food for fish business and I've seen some weird things in thawed fish foods). Most inverts (including worms and other parasites) will die from fish meds (read the labels, usually they'll say if the med can be tolerated by inverts), planaria will die with enough salt (I think of them as aquatic slugs).

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