wierd thing died?


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
i had a little worm thing on my live rock that live in a cacone type thing and now its gone! the cacone is still there but coming apart and is white? and every day amphipods come pouring out of it when i turn the light on. what was the worm thing? were did it go? and why do the amphipods like its cacone so much?
thnx in advance for any answers
Are you cycling your tank? What are your inhabitants? It could be a little feather duster that either moved or was eaten. It could also be some sort of peanut worm or bristle worm that simply moved to a different part of the rock. Can you explain what it looked like a bit more?

I imagine the pods like the tube because its deep and they can easily go in and out of it in case of danger.
sry should of explained more. inhabitants of the tank r 2 perc clownfish, and a firefish goby the rest r scarlet hermits and snails.
whatever it was that lived in there was a drakish sort of peach color with 2 black dots for eyes. its head was cone shaped with a flat area infront that appeared to be the mouth.

im am trying to find its location in the tank as of right now
Bristle worm? They're ok, even beneficial when they are small.. Let one grow to 12" or more and you might have problems :) They also call them "Fire Worms" for obvious reasons(dont grab them with your hands) :)
bgraber said:
Bristle worm? They're ok, even beneficial when they are small.. Let one grow to 12" or more and you might have problems :) They also call them "Fire Worms" for obvious reasons(dont grab them with your hands) :)
Fireworms are a type of bristleworm. They are not found as often in the LR we get and are generally considered an unwanted pest in the tank. The common bristleworm is a great detrivore and is definately beneficial to the tank. They are much more common than fireworms. Fireworms and common bristleworms are different animals.

True. There are many types of "bristled" worms so yeah I guess my statement was a bit off.. It was late :) But that worm in the pic I have in one of my tanks are are pretty common. Remind me to get him out.. He was too close to my Sinularia.

Check THis guy out.. Scary Worm
I have a couple of common bristle worms in my tank. Great lil guys. I read about a guy who had a rather large tank, like 300 gal +. He built a rack out of pvc to help support his rock. Well some of his corals started to disappear. He figured out it was a bristleworm and when he finally got it out of the tank (by tearing down the entire rack and all the rock) the worm ended up being 6 ft long!!! Nasty :sick: I'll try to find the link.
Wow, just Wow! You'd have to call in a snake wrangler to get that bad boy.. 6 ft long could probably take u out :)

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