

i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
for those of you who never got to read it,
my last post was all messed up and i couldn't find some schooling buddies for my white cloud
the stores white clouds were too small and weak,
and the danios were very beat up
so i found some mysterious fish, but the store wouldn't sell them to me because they didn't know the name of them
they said to come back the next day but they sold them that night :angry:
then my friend who was supposed to give me my khuli's that she was keeping for me refused because she "got attached" :X :-(

i thought i would update you on my luck,
i drove 2 towns over to pick up my friend and decided to stop in a little pet shop along the way,
and lone behold, i found khuli's (they are VERY rare around here)
so i bought a pair of full grown khuli's without hesitation
i saw the same mysterious fish in one of the tanks at the smaller pet shop,
they didn't know what it was either, so they sold them to me under a different name,
then when i got home and took a look at the new tank mates i noticed that these weren't the mysterious fish,
they were juvanile cherry barbs (a yellowish colour) and they were pale from
stress, so i mistook them for the mysterious fish :huh:

i know i am! :X
cherry barbs apparently don't school so i'm going to have to beg the store to take them back and trade for some danios :-(
Sounds like you've had some bad luck!

And your so called "friend" who won't give your khuli's back should get a kicking for being so evil. So what if she got attached, tell her to get her own bloody fish.

So, the original mystery fish were cherry barbs too? Or did mystery fish II just look like them because they were young and pale? :dunno:
that's a fine friend! Deserves a dropkick to the face IMO - might knock some common courtesy into the friend. Attachment is BS if she's keeping them for u - she knows that she's being an interim parent and the time will soon end.

be a hardass - we'll back u up. :flex:
and if all else fails ... try bribery or blackmail ;) j/k
Maybe you could trade the cherry barbs for your kuhlis! Tell your friend they're a rare mystery fish and then she'll be intrigued... :devil:
hahah :lol:
i love how evil you guys are :whistle:
i gave up and let her keep the khuli's when i bought the 2 new ones at the small pet shop

and as for the cherry barbs,
the mystery fish were not cherry barbs,
they were gray like white clouds and all of their fins were full red, aswell as a red eye and their red was more of a watermelon colour compared to the white clouds
the baby barbs i bought were mistaken for the mystery fish because they were so young and pale from the stress of being chased and netted for like 10 minutes :rolleyes:
when they got home into the tank and gained back their colour they were obvious juvanile barbs (a rusty golden colour) like this

(bottom fish of right hand picture)

woo hoo!
:hooray: I'M #1!

i just phoned the store and told them they sold me barbs and they said i can trade them for danios!
but i told them their danios had bites out of them :sick:
and she checked and said that there were good ones in there, you just have to look in the back of the tank, as the more timid/ peaceful ones are skiddish and laying low!
i hope she's right,
they are only half the price of barbs so i will get like $3 back :D

drobbins27 said:

hehehe :lol:

how long do you think it would take for white cloud babies to grow?
if it doesn't take long, do you think it would be better to get white clouds and keep them in a big breeding net untill they are big and strong :flex:
or just get the zebra danios?
i'm at 21.75" of fish in my 20 gallon without the zebras or whatever i am gunna buy and white clouds are smaller then zebras :huh:

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