Spirited Away
My lps keeps on purchasing more and more clown knives, I myself felt sorry for one last year and they still keep getting them. People don't know what they are getting into with them and I like to . He/She is about 9 inches now and hasn't grown much since the begining of fall. Same diet, maybe a little bit more (Feeder guppies, 3 dozen every 2 1/2 to 3 weeks all under 1 inch or so) I wish he would just grow a little to let me know he is well fed. My tank could fit him. He is not big enough for feeder goldfish but likes to kill (not eat but bite) the other livebearers that I had to put in there. (At least I have one left) . He also, strangely, when I feed my cories the shrimp pellets, eats those RIGHT OUT OF MY HAND. He seems like a pig but still will not grow. Does anyone know why?