

a "fish hater"
Sep 19, 2005
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Northern BC, Canada
Hi, I have a 55 gallon reef, which you all probably know. It does quite well, however like stated in the topic desription, it will not clear up to save my life. I was forced to remove the skimmer, and I do not have any chemical filtration. I am wondering, until I get a new skimmer, if putting in carbon would clear up the tank.
I realize that the lack of these might make the tank cloudy, but the tank seems perpetually cloudy no matter what I do. I have two filters on the tank rated 300 gph each, and the tank has adequate biological filtration for its inhabitants B)

I wouldn't imagine that running a tank without a protein skimmer would be a problem at all. I have been running my 45 gallon without a pskim for 9 months now...

How is the tank "cloudy", a little more detail, or a picture could help.
The tank seems to have microscopic dust, which at night, can be seen being shifted by the powerhead.
It used to occasionally clear up when the tank was low, and the salinity was high. I think i know why this must be, but any suggestions would be appreciated. I have added carbon to a filter as of now.

What grain size of sand are you using? If is sugra grain size then you are probably going to have dust clouds at the slightest flow over its surface.
The sand is not very fine, but there is often a small storm when it is shifted. However, it takes human interference to cause a storm in it; and if I do do it, then it will settle back to normal within a few hours.

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