a "fish hater"
Hi, I have a 55 gallon reef, which you all probably know. It does quite well, however like stated in the topic desription, it will not clear up to save my life. I was forced to remove the skimmer, and I do not have any chemical filtration. I am wondering, until I get a new skimmer, if putting in carbon would clear up the tank.
I realize that the lack of these might make the tank cloudy, but the tank seems perpetually cloudy no matter what I do. I have two filters on the tank rated 300 gph each, and the tank has adequate biological filtration for its inhabitants B)
I realize that the lack of these might make the tank cloudy, but the tank seems perpetually cloudy no matter what I do. I have two filters on the tank rated 300 gph each, and the tank has adequate biological filtration for its inhabitants B)