Why The Special Number?


Jan 8, 2007
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Just a quick q thats been bugging me for ages..

Why do pleco's have a number, like say L205 or something? What does it mean?

Whats the number for a Bristlenose?

there is a post on it, ill try to find it.

:rolleyes: honestly now, a zebra-breeder should be able to answer this off the top of his head.

basically, each colormorph of a pleco has a unique L-number assigned to it upon discovery. this system was instituted a couple of decades ago by a German fishkeeping magazine because new plecos were being discovered faster than they could be categorized into species. thus, all the plecos that either (a) looked unique or (B) seemed to be from a unique location were assigned a number as a placeholder until a taxonomical designation could be decided.

most plecs are still discussed by their L-number because these designations are older and easier to remember. plus, some of the L-numbers are suspected to be the same species, just different colormorphs. (this is true of zebra plecs and some of the "false zebras") because different patterns are more highly valued than others, its easier for fishkeepers to just call them by number than calling them all by the same species name.

on the flip side, certain L-numbers (L-200) have turned out to be two species that look alike and live in the same area! thus you now have L-200a and L-200b, :p but most people ignore the distinction in casual conversation.
I was looking for a very detailed article. There are a few on PC but I can’t locate them. But you did a good job summing it up.
I love the way Shadow Fox sounded like a teacher there "Well done, full marks, A+ top of the class!".

Rhiannon - there isn't an L number for your normal bog standard bristlenoses, as they're a man made tank bred species that has never seen the wild so therefore didn't need an id based on location ;)
I love the way Shadow Fox sounded like a teacher there "Well done, full marks, A+ top of the class!".

Rhiannon - there isn't an L number for your normal bog standard bristlenoses, as they're a man made tank bred species that has never seen the wild so therefore didn't need an id based on location ;)

Yep - they are refered to as "Ancistrus Sp. 3"

as in a generic ancistrus species "number 3"

This then covers albions and other colour variations too.

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