why so mad?


New Member
Sep 13, 2003
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Hello, I am new to this forum and also new to beta fish. I bought this fish last night and put him in a 2.5gal tank and he was verry happy. Today I bought a 10gal tank so I can put some other fish in with him, but he got real mad after I put him in the bigger tank so I put him back in the 2.5gal, here are some vidcaps of him in the 2.5 after I put him back. Does anyone know what got him so mad?
no need to be worried, maybe he saw his reflection or somthing. here is a a great betta forum u can try, bettaaddicts.com
my betta was really angry when i first got him......if he's kinda 'emotional' keep him alone it might be safer for other fish......my male betta would kill anything that entered his tank....including my finger! :crazy: well not really he kinda mellowed out :thumbs:
he probably saw his reflection; i constantly catch Donny chasing his around =) but, if he's a naturally aggressive betta (in the pet store, if they were kept side-by-side in cups, was he flaring at his neighbors? did he stake out his territory right away or hide for a bit when you put him in his tank?) i wouldn't put him with anythign that could fit in his mouth; IE any thin tetra or danio; or anything with big fins; IE angelfish. i think making a small community tank in the 10g would be best and leaving your boy out of it, because some bettas just aren't community-boys.

BTW, he's a pretty boy. what colors is he? i can make out pink and blue in that pic, though i'm probably wrong :lol:
I put the fish in the 10gal tank to take some pics and sure enough he started flaring right away. Do beta's prefer still water? The filter in the 10 gal is blowing him around a bit, mabie he dose not like it. He was not agressive at all the first night. here are some better pics of my angry fish.



Yes they don';t like fast flowing water they prefer still however mine play in it often. Also it shouldnt be a problem if you have a few plants, cave for him to hide there usally isn't such a current in the back of an 10g aquarium. Also he probably saw his reflection. I sometimes get a mirror out every now and then (Don't do it often it stresses them out!!!!) :D ;)

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