why shouldn't I keep fancy goldfish in small tanks


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
this is why!


The world's longest goldfish is Bruce, who measured 43.5 cm (17.1 in) from snout to tail-fin end on January 28, 2003. Bruce is owned by Louis and Jackie Chan Chun Ping (China) who manage the Tung Hoi Aquarium Company Ltd, Guang Dong province, China.
lol! I'd like to show that to the company who told me fancy goldfish only grow to 9cm, if your lucky. I didn't believe them, luckily.
it also helps when your fish is fed steroids and god knows what else.
Wow, I thought mine were big.
I'm showing that to my mom to convince her that Grizraz (who is very much just a standard asiatic carp), who is growing fast, really needs to 50 gallon tank I'm saving up for. She's chewing me out about how much space it'll take up, but he's going to get BIG and I'm not letting him get smushed organs just because she doesn't want me using up what little space I have left in my room. Its my room anyways ::grumbles::. Maybe once they get bigger, my other two younger goldies can even join him in there.

BTW, that fish is absolutely amazing. I wonder how old he is, unless I'm blind and it was in the post.

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