
Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
So I walk into a not-so-local-fish-store, and I got straight to the NW Cichlids section. I look around, they got GREAT fish, all in clear, healthy water, in great living conditions. Some pirahnas catch my eye so I walk over to look at them. To my suprise, there are a like 10 oscars in the tank with these 3-5 inch red bellied priahnas...which were tearing up a goldfish as i veiwed in terror. I bout one of each, 1'' in size, and took them home for my 90g which is now overstocked, and dangerous for all inhabitants. WHY WOULD A WELL RESPECTED STORE PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT! Those poor Oscars :(
Well Drobbins.....I don't think that was the smartest thing you've ever done!! ;)
I know it is hard to watch and see, but we can't always be rescuers although most of us would like to be :nod: !

All I can say is that your heart was in the right place, but now you just brought home a bunch of caoss and probably heartache to your tank........I would seriously think about taking the two of them back :( Sorry, but it would be the right think......unless you want to get another 90 gallon tank for them :dunno: :/

But seriously, I don't think you are going to have a very peaceful tank with one red, one albino and one tiger Oscar.........I think that is down right ASKING for trouble.........your poor SDs too....I feel bad for them :-(
He didnt say where he had put them.

I'm not pirahna keeper nor do I believe the myths but I'd not stick them in a tank with my beloved fish :D
drobbins27 said:
To my suprise, there are a like 10 oscars in the tank with these 3-5 inch red bellied priahnas...which were tearing up a goldfish as i veiwed in terror.
Not to be picky, but wasn't it you who fed a live guppy to an oscar in a lfs? -_-

I don't think it's a good idea to buy fish with those requirements unless you feel you can meet them. Then again, I am not sure exactly what it was you did buy.
Too funny Cheese and to you Annastasia > :p

Just Kidding :lol: Chaoss....Shmaoss......

And, I read his signature........DUH.........it tells you where he put them ;)
I know it wasnt smart, it just killed me to see two of them floating at the top, one swimming upside down, I had to get some out of that enviroment...I will find housing for them, right now, the albino lays beside my large red in the sand and my tiger swims around the top waiting for food...Plus, I always have my 29g if things get out of hand :/
Well, you sound like you do know what you are doing, so good luck!!

3 Oscars is too many for a 90, but maybe you could get a 75 gallon for the one that seems to be the most misfit after you observe for a while!! WOW....those are two HUGE tanks!! :lol:

Good Luck :fun: !!!!

I must say that it is sooooo hard to see mistreated fish and not snatch'em up, but just remember that there are probably 4 more in their places today :sad: !!

What can a person do! :dunno: ;)

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