Why not name?


Mar 16, 2005
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Central Minnesota
I was just wondering why some don't give their bettas names? I don't mean this in a scolding manner, I'm genuinely puzzled why one wouldn't name their betta, even if it is just simple like Joe or Bob :p. I could understand not naming a school of 20 identical community tank fish or something, but bettas are all unique, have very distinct personalities, and deserve their own identity! :D I also wouldn't expect a breeder to name all their fry of course :p, this is more about the pet keeper who has 2 or 3 bettas but never names them. Why not? :)
You must be talking about me, heh. I have no imagination. Maybe when I can sneak my dirty hands onto a digital camera then maybe I'll name them.. Or maybe take photographs and scan it, although I can't find scanners!
Oh I wasn't talking specifically about you :). You just made me think of it again. I've actually seen several off and on who mentioned they didn't name their bettas. So I got to wondering why :p
We name everything. I'd name the ghost shrimp if I could tell them apart. (my daughter just calls them all Casper. It would be cute if she wasn't 23.) Even the zebra danios have names, I am finally learning to tell them apart *sigh*
Well, my sister once named the fishes in the community tank I had before after Naruto charaters! XD.
I always think that if someone can't name all their fish, they should just pick one name and call every single one of them (even if they're all in different tanks) the same name.

Like Larry, or Bob.
Well, I was on the brink of calling by male VT betta.... Get this:

Flowly. You know, the fins are flowy, soo... But decided against it, sounded so cheesy.
BettaMomma said:
I always think that if someone can't name all their fish, they should just pick one name and call every single one of them (even if they're all in different tanks) the same name.

Like Larry, or Bob.
I don't feel a need to name my bettas considering i dont really talk to them much but from this quote all my bettas are now called fish so next time i go to feed and say hey fish you hungry they should all come to the front of the tanks with smiles :)
BettasRFriends said:
Imagine this: 300+ bettas. Naming them all would make me insane.
I stated I understood breeders' reasoning :p, I was mostly talking to pet keepers of a few bettas :).

I know a name wouldn't have as much function as say, a dog, who can learn to recognize and respond to his or her name, but I just personally like it, and it gives me a way to differentiate who I'm talking about. I'm just sentimental too I guess, I like them to have their very own meaningful name :nod:
Sometimes they don't have names for a bit until a good name hits you, my two new guys are nameless right now just because no name has hit me :p

BTW my boyfriend found out about them last night, after scolding me he said he wanted to steal my bornze guy lol :rofl:
My husband refers to them as Fish 1, Fish 2, and so on from left to right. I always yell, "They have names!" :X

Btw Haiku Tommy in your sig is just TO cute. :D
I don't name my guy cause I have no imagination. I've never had to name my animals actually. My brother named one of my cats Simba. And the other one came with a name when she was adopted. So yea, you can suggest a name if you'd like :p cause I can't think of one in the month I've had him.
FishyLoveBug said:
Btw Haiku Tommy in your sig is just TO cute. :D
Thanks! He's my sweet and goofy golden boy :wub:.

I think a couple neat names for red boys could be Lava or Dracarys (means dragon fire). Some firey name :D

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