Why My Plants Do Not Pearl, Do Not Grow?

I change 50% of my water every week with no apparent decrement to my Cherry shrimp.
cherry shrimp is much tougher, mine even can stay in tap water for a few days.

if u put bee shrimps, they will die in hours
I dose more KNO3, the stem plants, normaly fast growing ones, now grow very tall. However, the fragile ones, like HC and other soft plants no sign of growing, and become worse, yellow and rotten away.

Theare are also some hair algae growing, but the color is not green, kinda transparent or greyish.

i know it normally caused by high light or low nitrate, so should i dose more KNO3?
Theare are also some hair algae growing, but the color is not green, kinda transparent or greyish.
sounds like BBA, which is poor CO2 or flow.
Are you sure CO2 is up to 30ppm in all areas of the tank?
when plants produce oxygen and you can visibly see oxygen bubbles forming on leaf tips. (they produce oxygen constantly)

the CO2 is about 1 bubble per second.

there is not much water surface agitation, as i am afraid the CO2 will escape if the surface moving.

but the external is very strong which design for much large size of tank
Now i suspect that is cuased by too much fertilizer, as there is not much water change, and even i dose a little less, but they soon accumulated.

the more i more i dose, the more they look stunt and rotten. i increase the CO2, reduce the light, add water surface agitation, all no response.

But at last year, i do not know any thing about dosing, i never put any fertiziler , the plants goes , now even the hardy plants stop going.

another reason i suspect the fert is, i used the changed water to water my house plant, some plants died as well. how shocking.
Now i suspect that is cuased by too much fertilizer, as there is not much water change, and even i dose a little less, but they soon accumulated.

the more i more i dose, the more they look stunt and rotten. i increase the CO2, reduce the light, add water surface agitation, all no response.

But at last year, i do not know any thing about dosing, i never put any fertiziler , the plants goes , now even the hardy plants stop going.

another reason i suspect the fert is, i used the changed water to water my house plant, some plants died as well. how shocking.

i doubt it. I know lots of people who go way above the reccomendations, suh as 10ppm PO4 & 60ppm NO3! the tank shown here is 60ppm NO3 & 5ppm PO4:
and recently Tom Barr is dosing 2:1 --- NO3:pO4 (20ppm NO3, 10ppmPO4)

when you increase the nutrient levels, the demand for CO2 increases aswell which may be what is happening here, so you could
a) try raising the CO2 levels and make sure distribution is maximum
b) lower nutrient levels so CO2 is less in demand.

As for the house plants i have no idea...
i do not know how much ppm it is, i just so confused now, some said i should dose more, some should i should stop.

now even some step plant rotten away.

as for co2, now is 2 bubble per second, and i think it is much stronger than my previous DIY CO2 in the previous tank last year.

things just get extremaly worse now.

i did 60% water change today, hope my shrimp can survive.
yes, but i do not have 4KH water, i use tank water instead.

meanwhile, the bubble counter shows about 2 bubble per second . it is off at night.

so u think i should increase co2?
i use tank water instead.

There in lies the inaccuracy. There are other compounds in the water that will be affecting the pH and it wont be solely down to carbonic acid. Therefore the colour being shown is not representative of the amount of CO2 in the aquarium.
i use tank water instead.

There in lies the inaccuracy. There are other compounds in the water that will be affecting the pH and it wont be solely down to carbonic acid. Therefore the colour being shown is not representative of the amount of CO2 in the aquarium.

i know ,but i do not have 4kh water. meanwhile, i do not think it is co2 problem, because it is much stronger than that i used as diy last year.
and if i try to increase more, the fish and snail or move to water surface gasping for air.
Then perhaps the amount of it being injected is fine however the CO2 isn't getting to all the areas in the tank. Method of diffusion and/or distributing the gas should be enhanced.

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