have become common knowledge often defended by many
That's is what we meet up with all the time...
The world is full of wannabe gurus.
I can't argue that... And most of them haven't beent that active for that long within the aquatic hobby. They come across a socalled info and take it for granted and think they can advice others right away... But this doesn't only go for the aquatic hobby but also for other fields of interests.
There are also people (mostly young people) who dislike seasoned aquarists. Simply because they know that they might say something different than what they had in mind in order to give advice to others.
I had to deal with some endler and guppy guru wannabees for a period of time. They wanted to be the leading role within this field in my own country without having the background needed for that position. And that leading role had to be established in a very short time. They used to have fish from me. But nobody were allowed to know that the first breeding groups came from me. They would tell outsiders that they were all imported. They used to be friendly towards me. But afterwards they were like that to get a foot in the serious international segment of endler and guppy keeping. That was the scene I was already in and they weren't. They just used me to get doors opened. At some point, they got doors opened for them by using money instead of knowledge. The one that lead the group of these wannabees, had a number of arguments with me. And his followers followed in the same behavior. They made stories about me. And a serious number of people called him the endler and guppy guru of Holland. But at some point , all of them faded from the endler and guppy scene. The position that he had at the company that he worked, was a complete different position. He made himself bigger than he actually was. And at some point the money ran out. A serious number of wellknown and serious breeders contacted me and told me that they're out and I'm still in. But those wannebees did succeed to get people believe that they were the experts. Another keeper who is dutch but lives in Germany, also made negative stories about me. Just to attract people towards him. He has a background in ponds and pond fish but not aquaristics. I knew him from the pond scene. But years after I got reconnected with him within the aquaristic field. He had none knowledge but told me certain things about endlers (which couldn't be true anyways). He was amazed when paid a visit to my place and saw how I was doing it all. In that period we had a good connection. But when he joined those wannabees that I've mentioned, he changed his behavior. And told openly on social media that I haven't judged livebearers internationally nor national. And that I was fake. And that I've bought mix guppies of him and that I resold them as being pure strains. And he even told people that I've died. He also sold guppies and have mentioned that I was the breeder (for he believed that people would rely on my good name). I got so mad about that. I told him to stop. He also copied parts of texts of mine and send an own created story and pasted the texts in a way that it would look bad for me to another breeder. So, I had to defend myself that it didn't come from me. That was a whole mess on social media that I had to deal with. I won't tell about all other things he did to me. Those things are unspeakable to mention. He fled from Holland to Germany because the police and tax authorities were looking for him. We've helped him, his gf and his daughter when they were so desperate. For we were looking at their young daughter. We felt sorry for them. That's why we've helped. But afterwards they've showed how ungrateful they could be. I've distant myself from them ever since. He used me to establish a big name within the endler and guppy scene. Even now, he still tries to get me out of the scene. He wanted to become the number one in Europe within the field of endlers and guppies. Also in Germany he has moved a couple of times. Simply because he set up a store while it wasn't allowed by the land lords. He has send guppies as entries to guppy shows. But I've already heard from German breeders that he uses new purchased guppies as entries. While you should enter own bred guppies instead. He doesn't realize that my German friends are keeping me posted and that they know that he's not a fair person.
But the main thing here is that he likes to be seen an absolute expert within the field of endlers and guppies, which he isn't. He's just a good example of a wannabee guru.
Btw, I myself won't call myself a livebearer guru or whatever guru. For that would be a very arrogant. It would also suggest that I know it all. But I don't know it all. Yes, I'm very experienced but also I still have got a lot to learn. There's no ending to the story of learning. That's the reality.
Sorry, for the long story. I haven't mentioned their names despite of the fact that they've used my name openly on social media. I'm the greater one to keep it decent.