Why Is My Water Cloudy?


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Jan 16, 2008
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Tank size:125 ltrs jebo 362

tank temp:28

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): lost a bristle nose, other fish lost color red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons

Volume and Frequency of water changes:eek:nce the bristle nose died i changed 75% as the water was alful, then changed the external filter wool and water and added carbon yesterday. still cloudy.
I have not had a problem with water ever before so have never had to use testers for the water.
the tank is well established (about 4 years) and I cannot for the life of me put my finger on it.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: aqua plus (i am out of cycle)

Tank inhabitants:red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons, (two new golden algae eaters)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 5 electric neons, 1 golden algae eater, some new white rock (I washed this throughly)

Please can someone help me I have tried to put a photo on but it keeps upload failed on me even with really small files
Thankyou ")
What coulor is the cloudiness ?

If its green, its algae, or it could be a bacterial bloom. But if your fully cycled, mature, and havn't done anything to disturb the bacteria too much, i doubt its a bloom.

If its white or greyish, its proberbly dust of something new added to the tank. I know you say you've washed your new white rocks thoroughly, but they're proberbly the cause. If so, it should clear itself.
Do you know what your pH, nitrite and ammonia are? Just wondering whether these may be raised and whether this could account for the fish you have lost.

The first tank that I set up, a few years ago now, was white and cloudy for ages. The water stats were otherwise fine and the fish were OK. I never quite got to the bottom of what caused it and I ended up doing a combination of small (up to 10%) daily water changes for a while and using a flocculent treatment to try and clear the water - not sure the latter actually helped much, to be honest. I also used a product called Clearwater which describes itself as a filter medium for removing algae - you add it to your filter, it consists of small, resin balls. Which of these things did it in the end I don't know but the water eventually cleared, though it did take a couple of months to go altogether.
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Tank size:125 ltrs jebo 362

tank temp:28

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): lost a bristle nose, other fish lost color red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons

Volume and Frequency of water changes:eek:nce the bristle nose died i changed 75% as the water was alful, then changed the external filter wool and water and added carbon yesterday. still cloudy.
I have not had a problem with water ever before so have never had to use testers for the water.
the tank is well established (about 4 years) and I cannot for the life of me put my finger on it.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: aqua plus (i am out of cycle)

Tank inhabitants:red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons, (two new golden algae eaters)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 5 electric neons, 1 golden algae eater, some new white rock (I washed this throughly)

Please can someone help me I have tried to put a photo on but it keeps upload failed on me even with really small files
Thankyou ")
Hi nzmummy!
I think if you wait awhile this water will clear up((no longer than a week or two I bet)) I learned years ago that when one changes water(75% is alot to me) or does a complete breakdown the water first is clear,then turns cloudy, due to natural bacteria growth, then becomes clear again. Once the microscopic algae starts growing (you dont need live plants to make this happen)it feeds on the bacterias that clouds the water. You might want to keep the lites on longer to help promote the algae growth but keep it lit as you have been doing once you notice the water clearing up.
Good luck, and hopefully this will help you.
your friend,
Here is a pic of my tank done another 25% water change today -_- poo_fishy_004.jpg
Sorry about the reflection.
ok so now I have lost 1 more golden algae eater the newest one and a neon also new to the tank, water still white with cloud what am I to do?? going to do another 25% water tonight hmmmmmmmmm :oh: :(
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Tank size:125 ltrs jebo 362

tank temp:28

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): lost a bristle nose, other fish lost color red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons

Volume and Frequency of water changes:eek:nce the bristle nose died i changed 75% as the water was alful, then changed the external filter wool and water and added carbon yesterday. still cloudy.
I have not had a problem with water ever before so have never had to use testers for the water.
the tank is well established (about 4 years) and I cannot for the life of me put my finger on it.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: aqua plus (i am out of cycle)

Tank inhabitants:red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons, (two new golden algae eaters)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 5 electric neons, 1 golden algae eater, some new white rock (I washed this throughly)

Please can someone help me I have tried to put a photo on but it keeps upload failed on me even with really small files
Thankyou ")
thanks for the advise I have taken on board the thing is that my tank is still cloudy and I am losing fish (yes the new ones) but I don't usually lose this amount of fish and my water is usually crystal clear hmmmm i am very frustruted I willl do another 25% change tonight please anyone out here that can help me, I am at a lose "(
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Volume and Frequency of water changes:eek:nce the bristle nose died i changed 75% as the water was alful, then changed the external filter wool and water and added carbon yesterday. still cloudy.
I have not had a problem with water ever before so have never had to use testers for the water.
the tank is well established (about 4 years) and I cannot for the life of me put my finger on it.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: aqua plus (i am out of cycle)

Tank inhabitants:red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons, (two new golden algae eaters)

We really need your water test in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and PH. It would be best if you bought a liquid test kit. If you can't have you LPS test it and write down the levels. We need a number not an "ok" or "fine" :) . How much of the external filter wool did you change?

Also you need to do some research on the fish you have :/ . The RTS, clown loaches, and most likely the algae eaters will need a larger tank.
Red tailed shark
Clown Loach- can reach 11" in length need at least a 75gal tank
Algae eaters- most likely Chinese Algae Eaters they will become aggressive as they mature and attack other fish. They get quite big and need about 55gal.
You tank can house a 2 angels, but not 4 of them. Also as your angels mature it is very likely they will eat the neons and other small tetras. Neons are what they naturally eat in the wild.

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