Why is my tank so cloudy?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2004
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I have a 5 gallon with a couple ADF's and a snail. I put an algae wafer in there for the snail yesterday and ever since then it's been cloudy. Is that why its cloudy? Will it clear up? What should I do?
What are the parameters of your water? I dont think it was just the algae wafer. It would be odd for an algae wafer to cause a cloudy tank in a day. I have a 5 gal and an algae wafer has been uneaten in the tank over a weekend with no effect on the water clarity. So must be some other factors at work here. Get your parametes and we can work from there. In the mean time remove any excess food in the tank and do a 25% water change. It may or may not help but it cant hurt. HTH :)
Well thats the thing my parameters are fine except for my ammonia which is about at 2 ppm. How do I make it go down??? I siphoned my tank and added some stuff that clears my tank. I also changed out some of the water. Do I just wait for it to clear up now? It's a 5 gallon and yes, being a noob I had no idea about the fishless cycle so I'm going through the cycling proceess with 3 ADF's. Any advice on what I should do?
ToWnPrEp said:
Well thats the thing my parameters are fine except for my ammonia which is about at 2 ppm. How do I make it go down??? I siphoned my tank and added some stuff that clears my tank. I also changed out some of the water. Do I just wait for it to clear up now? It's a 5 gallon and yes, being a noob I had no idea about the fishless cycle so I'm going through the cycling proceess with 3 ADF's. Any advice on what I should do?
Fine does not describe water parameters. In order tohelp you we need the actual levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If your ammonia is at 2ppm then your parameters are not fine. You probably have a high nitrite reading as well. If that is the case then your cloudiness could be a bacterial bloom as you said you were cycling the tank. Get us those parameters and then we will help you find a solution. Keep us posted. :)
I agree with tstenback ammonia readings of 2 ppm are far from fine... I'd do plenty of 25% water changes - at least every other day - to help you ADFs cope. Adding some plants will help with the nitrate when you tank is cycling further.

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