Why Is My Neon Tetra Turing White


Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2008
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My neon tetra has suddenly turned white on his back, He is swimming at the top of the tank and his gills are open. The other tetras are swimming around at the bottom of the tank but he won't join them. Can someone please tell me whats wrong with him?
Can someone please tell me how I can add an attachment? I have attached photos in my Corydoras post but cant find the ADD ATTACHMENTS section here.
i've never had any luck with the add attachments thing.i upload mine to photobucket then select the pics i want then generate an img code,copy,then put it on here by hitting paste.hopefully someone will come along that can explain it better. :lol:
There is no add 'attachments feature' apart from on the "Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures" and maybe another of couple of sections of the forum.

As dnn3 says, you need to upload them onto a photobucket account or similar and paste the link to the photo into the image URL box (it's underneath the 'fonts' drop-down menu when your making a new post).

If you don't have a photobucket account, you can use imageshack without making an account.
Thanks for the replies threefingers and dnn3. I have posted the pics on my other post (Help! my cory jumped out of his tank) in the Catfish (corydoras) section. I'll try the two sites you guys have mentioned aswell.
I tried the imageshack and then pasted the image code in the insert image box but when I clicked ADD REPLY I got this message (Sorry, dynamic pages in the

Works for me, you need to use the direct like address to the image, like with this example a copied and pasted:

[URL="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9809/p1020533ho1.jpg"]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9809/p1020533ho1.jpg[/URL] .

Once you have just uploaded the image to imageshack, it gives you various options like "Thumbnail for Websites", ignore them and click on your picture.

The next page will look like this and give you more options - copy the code after "direct" and paste that in the URL box.

edit: And with regards to your neon, it looks like neon tetra disease to me unfortunately. I would remove with fish and watch the others closely for signs of it.
the same thing happened to my tetra. I set up a new tank and about 3-4 days later my bloodfin tetra lost all the red color in tail and fin and turned completely white. The wierd part is a day later (today) the color is back.. Is this normal, does anybody have an explanation?

Stress? I know when Iv bought fish they lose all there colour in transport then get it back a few days later once they settled in
Some tetras can lose their colours very easily when stressed, but it does look different from neon tetra disease.
With neon tetra disease parts of the fish go white as if they are dead.

Here goes. Im giving it a try again.

Thanks three fingers.
Ive already posted the first picture and this is the second. I'll post the third one aswell.
As you can see his fins/tail dont seem to be affected and his back looks as if he has
been bleached.

You'll notice that apart from the white colour he doesn't look sick. His colour started bleaching suddenly from a small dot to spreading over his entire back. He stopped swimming with the other tetras and started hovering about near the top . He looked so helpless . My gorgeous little boy died on the 8th and amazingly the other 3 are still ok.

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