Why Hasnt She Give Birth


New Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I bought a few mollies a month maby 6weeks now. When i bought her she was clearly pregant. But the black spot has grown a little but shes not getting fatter. Is their something wrong. How long does it take for them to give birth.
If she is stressed, she may not give birth, or she could abort the fry. What size tank is she in, how many males and females, and are you keeping them in salt?

Otherwise, she may have had fry, and they were eaten.
are the tank conditions good (i.e. nitrite, nitrate, ammonia)? cuz pregnant females will hold off giving birth if the conditions aren't to their liking. this gives the fry a better chance to live (sort of a survival instinct, like giving birth in the plants). also wat's the temp. cuz the lower the temp. the longer the pregnancy. if she looks skinnier than when u bought her, Annastasia's probly right that she already gave birth and you just missed it :(

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