Why Has My Nitrate Spiked


New Member
Jan 2, 2007
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Hi all

I have had my tank for around 12 months and just done my weekly checks Ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 140ppm where it has always been 10ppm. I do a 10% water change every week why has this changed so much in a week?
Hi all

I have had my tank for around 12 months and just done my weekly checks Ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 140ppm where it has always been 10ppm. I do a 10% water change every week why has this changed so much in a week?

some food rotting in the tank maybe?
It could be something rotting in the tank, plants, food or fish. Or your water supply may be compromised. Maybe try to use distilled water at the next water change and make sure the tank is clean.
Has it rained alot recently?

Yes it has rained quiet alot of late why do u ask?

It could be something rotting in the tank, plants, food or fish. Or your water supply may be compromised. Maybe try to use distilled water at the next water change and make sure the tank is clean.

i do have a problem with the live plants it could be that. I have lost a few over the last couple of weeks
Has it rained alot recently?

Yes it has rained quiet alot of late why do u ask?

It could be something rotting in the tank, plants, food or fish. Or your water supply may be compromised. Maybe try to use distilled water at the next water change and make sure the tank is clean.

i do have a problem with the live plants it could be that. I have lost a few over the last couple of weeks

Your tap probably has high nitrates recently due to the rain. Runoff from fields and such often contains high amounts of nitrates.
yeah my tap water has pretty high nitrates at the moment, recently my fish have been flicking and i found out my nitrates were about the same. turns out now my tap water isnt exactly low in nitrates. I would do regular water changes until the tap water (hopefully) gets back to normal.
Well, when you change the water you're essentially replacing the high nitrates with high nitrates. I'd probably op to go to the store and get a few gallons of distilled water, and combine it with your tap 50/50. That'd fix your nitrate problem.
You should be doing a lot more than a 10% water change per week, 25-30% a week is what is advised for the average tank and will help prevent ph crash in the long term if you do this.

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