The filter is more of a personal prefference, I think. Both my 30 gallon sorority tank and my 10 gallon tank for 1 male have filters, but both have a piece of plastic coming down in front of the water flow to help cut down on the current. I've found that without this the Current becomes too strong and stress's out my male, who will fight it trying to swim to the surface. In the wild, they live in water that has little to no Current.
Betta's are not coldwater fish, they are tropical fish and as such, need some sort of heat for their water. either a heater or being in a really warm room... The water tempshould at least be 70 degrees F, and prefferably more around 75 - 80
If done properly, the 100% water changes help, not harm, the betta. They do not have to live in cycled tanks, and from what I've read, most people -don't- cycle anything smaller than a 5-10 gallon tank so the 100 changes help because it gets rid of ALL their waste, thus, making the water clean and helping to prevent fin rot and other such things.