Why Does My Betta........


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
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I have had a betta for around a week now.

brilliant fish, no problems at all, however can someone explain this strange behaviour?

During the day and in the evening when the tank light and room light is on he's fine.

As soon as the room light is switched off and the tank light is left on he starts to puff his fins up, making himself big and go stiff as if he is staring at something.

As soon as you walk over to the tank (I was gonna get a photo) he stops and goes back to swimming around normal.

As soon as tyou walk away he starts again. not all the time just every 10 secs or so.

What is he doing ?


he's probably just seeing a reflection and showing that reflection who's boss.
I think hes mocking you mate.. thinks you've turned your back and starts giving it all that ! :p Make sure he lays off the stella artois.. does that to some of my mates too.

Sounds like a reflection problem, is it a glass tank cause they sometimes have a silvering to the glass.
Agree with Catxx and Amerce, it sounds like he can see his reflection and he's just showing it how macho he is :lol:
the funny thing is he stares right through you, its scary when your trying to watch corrie lol.

its brilliant though, he's a fantastic fish.

thanks for the advice
What size tank is he in, and can you post a pic of it?

By the way :hi: to the forum.
What size tank is he in, and can you post a pic of it?

By the way :hi: to the forum.

Thanks for that, been looking for a good fish forum for ages.

He's in a 9 Gal Tank. Maybe a bit small but he seems really happy. He always swims over to you when your near the tank etc. But I have read in places that they are a very human friendly fish. He's also in with guppys and I have no problems.

Ill try and get a photo but everytime I go near the glass he stops doing it.
Watch those guppies very closly because the betta may find their tails look to much like a bettas with the bright colors and you may end up with a tank full of dead guppies, any signs of aggression and you should pull him out. You don't have to get a picture of him flaring just a regular pic will do.
Watch those guppies very closly because the betta may find their tails look to much like a bettas with the bright colors and you may end up with a tank full of dead guppies, any signs of aggression and you should pull him out. You don't have to get a picture of him flaring just a regular pic will do.

Nahs hes fine. he aint bothered by the guppys, must have picked a softy.

ill get a pic at home tonight and post it on, see what you think.

What tank condition suit bettas the best. Is it a well planted one or one with hidyholes etc

oh and the missuz has named him buster
They like either a mildly planted to heavily planted tank with either real plants or silk plants and hidey holes that doesn't have any ruff edges on it and the way to test for ruff edges on a decoration is to run panty hose's over it and if it snaggs on any part of it then its to rough for bettas.
They like either a mildly planted to heavily planted tank with either real plants or silk plants and hidey holes that doesn't have any ruff edges on it and the way to test for ruff edges on a decoration is to run panty hose's over it and if it snaggs on any part of it then its to rough for bettas.

excellent, just right then. Ive got a good selection of plants and a couple of holes.

ill pop the pic on tonight for people to see
Sounds like you got a real nice fish there. i take it he's a veiltail, but for some people they are the best. Personally HMPK are my favbe which i am going to breed in a month :d:D
look forward to the pics

Bret @ BWBEttas
Sorry - don't mean to hi-jack but I have a 'Why does my betta...' question and thought I might as well post it here!

Who knows, maybe we can have a whole thread about the strange things they do?

Anyway, to get to the point, did a 50% water change on my lil Dudley yesterday afternoon. Last night he was fine, but now he's alternately swimming like normal and laying on the sand.

I haven't noticed him do that before and he always swims back to the same spot to lie down.

I used ammo-lock, which has a dechlorinator, at the change and he has a heater and a sponge filter. Will post the stats in a mo, but I'm in the process of testing my tap water when I noticed he was lying down and thought I'd quickly check whilst I wait.

Any ideas?

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