Why Do They Hide?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2010
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Ok so had my tank set up a few months now. and to be honest the tetras are doing my head in.

I have my fluval 2 plus on the left of my tank on minimal flow (maximum flow they didnt like at all) and a few plants at the back and sides.

but the fish themselves stick behind plants on left side of tank. hardly come to the front.

I thought it was my music scaring them, i've lived without music for a week still no effect.

Do i need another fish to scare them out like ive read on other threads?
have the fish been in there a few months?

I know i had this problem with my exclamation point rasboras, a fish of similar size. it took them about a month to butter up to me, now they will play in front of the tank and stuff.
have the fish been in there a few months?

I know i had this problem with my exclamation point rasboras, a fish of similar size. it took them about a month to butter up to me, now they will play in front of the tank and stuff.

I started the tank in august and put the fish in there october/november
how many cardinals do you have? They need to be in groups (6+ but the more the better) to feel secure and be happy to venture out into open spaces.

What other fish do you have in the tank? Maybe there's something in there that is picking on them?
how many cardinals do you have? They need to be in groups (6+ but the more the better) to feel secure and be happy to venture out into open spaces.

What other fish do you have in the tank? Maybe there's something in there that is picking on them?

Tank is 10G with only 12 cardinals in, nothing else. A few plants and a central piece of bogwood (not in atm)
hmmmm, maybe they need something else in there that is quite active/adventurous to show them that they are safe to leave the protection of the plants, but since you are already quite well stocked for a 10USG I'm not sure what to suggest.

Anyone else got a suggestion?
Sometimes fish rely on other fish to 'make sure the coast is clear'(not literally the coast) but I would have thought the Cardinal's would have done this. You could even try adding more, but from a different LFS. Maybe a confident 6 from somewhere will give the others a bit of confidence?

How long are the lights on a day, just out of interest?

Sometimes fish rely on other fish to 'make sure the coast is clear'(not literally the coast) but I would have thought the Cardinal's would have done this. You could even try adding more, but from a different LFS. Maybe a confident 6 from somewhere will give the others a bit of confidence?

How long are the lights on a day, just out of interest?


Well I try to keep them on for 8 hours, if im home i switch on after my cuppa at around 9 wait till 12 to feed and switch off around 4. if i'm not in and mums there she switches on when shes goes out and come in so 10-7

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