Why do the mollies attack the balloon mollies??


New Member
Aug 29, 2003
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:/ i just started my tank a week ago and i added 4 black mollies and 3 balloon mollies that are keep on being attacked by the black mollies for some reason, does anyone know why???
It could be that the male regular mollies are trying to get it on with the female balloon mollies. I really don't know but my question is will the regular mollies mate with the balloon mollies?
( wouldn't that be like cross breeding or something ) but they also attack the male guppies, unless they wanna be gay i think the black mollie i bought is just a plain bully
Not too sure I don't know but it is possible cause the sword fish and mollies were said to be able to breed or was it the platties. But I don't know again anything is possible at this moment...
the reason the balck mollys will be chasing male ballon mollys is cos they want there females a mollys doesnt know that this fat molly is anything other than ordinary fat molly in its eyes also its is possible for a mollie to mate with a guppy but it hs very ugly out comes!!! this is becasue they are the same specis poalid or something like that an dthe reason why platies and swordtails can mate with each other is because they are the same species xiphorus ( please note i'm not sure about the spellings of the species name but its something along those lines ) :D :thumbs:
what??? its good name :lol: but one of them has diseapeared assumed dead now there is only two!! :-( i will get another one eveutually.....
AllusiveLife said:
lol, oh... Would you recommend 15 otos in a 160 gallon tank?
Not at all, otos are very good algae eaters, unless the algae has already taken over your tank then even half a dozen should be able to prevent it happening, make sure to provide them with bogwood and also make sure that in their first weeks they get lots of food, often when the LFS sell them they are already half starved :crazy: often LFS just have them in regular tanks...

If you get 15 and they clear you're algae then you'll get several dieing through starvation in such a large tank, besides you should be able to prevent algae being too serious by regular water changes.

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