Why Do My Reply Posts Not Show As"new Post" In The Legend


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Clemente, CA USA
I have noticed that the topics that I have started show that Its "unanswered" or "new" in the main board legend.

ie:the red, blue letter icons, etc.

But after that the legend doesnt match the activity by me.
Like when I reply, or ask further questions in my own topics, the legend still shows no new replys or posts or anything. So I am not getting any responses after the intitial few replys that I do get. Even after refreshing the page, my new questions or posts are not registering on the main board. They continually just state "No New Posts" instead of showin that there are.

:shout: Does anyone have any clue why this is happening?

Thanks for your help.
it will show as no new replies to you but will have relpies to everyone else, its like when you read a topic but don't reply it turns pale, then another persin replies and it goes blue again

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