What is "aquarium salt"? Is it salt like making water to brackish or is it salt like containing some minerals to make e.g. ro-water suitable to use?
Sometimes e.g. mollies need salt addition if they have been raised in brackish water. If not, then it's useless to add salt. Some big fish-breeders in Asia use salt when breeding fishes and those fishes usually are more difficult to keep in tank, especially if you don't add salt.
have heard that they're definitely not the easiest livebearers
Those fishes aren't so hard to keep, when you offer right water for them. Usually platies, mollies and swordtails are raised in medium/hard water and they should be kept in similar water. If you put this kind of fish in soft water, it takes lots of energy to adjusted to new environment (osmotic pressure in water and fish' cells) and sometimes fish becomes exhausted, get ill and die finally. Unfortunately very often, because hobbiests don't test water or they don't know how to keep fishes - many of them suppose that when you have water in your tank, it's enough.
So, what would I do? I wouldn't buy any new fishes in a short time. If some older fish dies, it's definately something wrong in a tank. First you need to know pH, GH, KH. It would be also very good to know NO2- and NO3- and because you're going to keep fishes that live in basic water, then you definately need NH3/NH4+ test. Ammonia is very toxic to fishes and when pH is over 7, there might be ammonia in water too.