Why Do Fish Die So Quickly In Mineral (sparkling) Water


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I just had to kill one of my fish recently because it was beyond treatment...I decided to use sparkling mineral water and the fish was dead in just a few seconds...
But I am just curious - why do fish die so quickly in mineral water. I know that because of the presence of CO2, but I mean - what does it do to them? Cause they aparently suffocate ut I mean if you removed fish from water and just let it be it would take quite a while(few minutes) for the fish to die.

So why do they die so quickly in sparkling water than?

Are there any other quick methods for culling fish? Not that I want any of my fish to have to be culled again, just asking...Clove oil, yes - but it is hard for me to get it...

The concentratio of CO2 in the sparkling water is higher than the CO2 levels in normal air.... or so I think, lol.

I'm sorry you lost a fish though.
there is no dissolved oxygen in sparkling waters. so not only will they not be able to breathe, they will also be poisoned by the high concentration of CO2.

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