have you added anything containing copper into the tank? if so its curtains. im guessing your nitrates are going to be high, and these things like it low, i would do a 50% water change with RO water available from your LFSoh sweet! i thought i was like the only kid in the world that actually had his own fish tank haha. I can see that you are a "pro" so mind teaching me a few tricks? Uhm i got a test kit for pH only.. i think.. haha i might have a nitrate or ammonia. not sure. lemme check
Will the black sand.. what do you call that you put in filters... well that "thing" if too much of it, will it kill or harm shrimp/fish?
im pretty sure i didnt add any copper to my tank because i dont feed the shrimps food from the dollar shop. I give them seeweed made for shrimps.
hmm, strangly enough, there wasnt anything wrong that i did from the comments. The only thing wrong was the tank size, does this really matter when theres only 3 small shrimps in a 2.5gallon? I mean, how much space does a shrimp need?