Why did God?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
JAGSonville, Florida
So I am looking at Peacocks to put in my tank and I just don't understand why God made the males so colorful and the females, "IMO" dull! I would love to stock my tank full of males but that probably wouldn't be good. Sure exceptions to everything but Arrrg! I really do not care about breeding; I just want a nice colorful tank!

I know, I know....... It happens with other animals in the kingdom "Birds" but ERRRR!
I'm sure there's dozens scientific, religious and way out there theories but who knows which is right? :) I think it has more to do with mating displays and showing off than anything else. Flashy normally is either meant to attract a mate or scare the hell out of potential predators.
Since it is the females that carry responsibility for the future of the species, they have to be less conspicuous to make it easier to hide from predators.
Being dull serves one purpose hideing.

Being colorfull serves two purposes attracting a mate and drawing predators. since Females Make such a large contribution to the continuance of a species and one mae can ... um ... "service" several females lack of males isnt a problem for most species.

We all no the lengths the average guy will go to to get someone in bed with him well these fish risk there lives with there colors to get mates and to protect those mates whenever posible.

Also this is a very divers forum and If you leave religion ( very hot issue) out of things you may find hat you get longer answers more quickly. Not that your religious beliefs are wrong but they are not shared by all. :)
It doesn't bother me if someone posts or not because I said God. I was more frustrated about the situation of not being able to have an all male tank. I know why the females do not have the colors and so on.....

I am not getting into a religious argument but if people don't want to respond because I said "God" I really do not care, they took my post a little too far.

Maybe I should ask for Christians, Jews or whatever to respond only? This has been taken too far.
MaddEnemy said:
So I am looking at Peacocks to put in my tank and I just don't understand why God made the males so colorful and the females, "IMO" dull! I would love to stock my tank full of males but that probably wouldn't be good. Sure exceptions to everything but Arrrg! I really do not care about breeding; I just want a nice colorful tank!

I know, I know....... It happens with other animals in the kingdom "Birds" but ERRRR!
Peacock whats? The bird? They shouldn't go in fish tanks :no:

EDIT: Seriously, what kind of fish, gudgeons, cichlids, eels?
cichlids. Dwarfs they are cichlids.

i'm sorry Mylast response wasnt what you were looking for I thought that this was the gist of your question
MaddEnemy @ Jul 19 2004 said:
I just don't understand why God made the males so colorful and the females, "IMO" dull!

as for why you cannot do it I would like to direct you to the first part of my answe
attracting a mate
it is much easyer to be the prettyest guy in town when your the only guy in town. And while guys who are obviously in relationships dontpose a great threat single guys are a big problemand they all feel the need to be the only single guy should a female (by some mirracle) show u in your tank.

And starting a religious debate is not what I meant to do at all. its mearly that people are/will be afraid to touch it in fear of offending you. I never said anything about you beliefs and in fact I dont know what they are (besides the fact that you are monothiestic but that could be anything from followers od Abraham to the zoroastrians) But I digress. Just trying to be friendly and help you get the information you are looking for faster thats all.
Well I've never heard of peacock Guppies before But theres always something new to learn. You can infact keep male guppies together as many as you want so long as there are no females. the guppies main breeding method is to sneak up and run and they arent as pair based as ciclids. However If you wish to breed guppies or have any females it is best if you use a rato of 2 females to one male to avoid harrasment and stress to the females because the males really dont care much for the sake of the females they are just looking for a place to breed. So if they are guppies by all means go with All males pretty much any small fish for that matter.
opcn said:
Being dull serves one purpose hideing.

Being colorfull serves two purposes attracting a mate and drawing predators. since Females Make such a large contribution to the continuance of a species and one mae can ... um ... "service" several females lack of males isnt a problem for most species.

We all no the lengths the average guy will go to to get someone in bed with him well these fish risk there lives with there colors to get mates and to protect those mates whenever posible.

Also this is a very divers forum and If you leave religion ( very hot issue) out of things you may find hat you get longer answers more quickly. Not that your religious beliefs are wrong but they are not shared by all. :)
Geez! Lighten up, Lol. I didn't even think "religion" when I read his post, I read it for what it was. If a religious tangent were to get started it wouldn't be from his post, it would be from you bringing it up, Lol.

I'm so sick and tired of people who believe in God having to tip toe around everyone else about the subject, nobody should have to tip toe around their beliefs, whether it's God, Allah or Scooby Doo, sheesh!

I thought I was being light and cheerly about it. Hence the emotocon. If you wish to discuss the topic of religious tiptoeing I would b more than happy to
I :dunno: about God
but mother nature made males in general the best looking for the reasons above

Info on Peafowl (birds)
Peacock is a male Peafowl
Peahen is a female Peafowl

The males has bright blue plumage with lage eye patterns on the tail feathers,
A; to deter predators & B; to attract a female.
Whilst the females are a drab brown colour,
A; to hide on the nest from predators & B; :dunno:
intrestingly enough, Peachicks are white at first. Why? only mother nature knows!

Its not really relevent but what the hey :)
I agree....its like that with all cichlids....I'd prefer to have all the pretty colours of the bright males in my tank but clearly anyone in their right mind wouldn't do that with african cichlids....thats why I got yellow labs (all are bright) and Cyrtocara (even the femles are bright)...

OH....and don't forget the loaches
MaddEnemy said:
It doesn't bother me if someone posts or not because I said God. I was more frustrated about the situation of not being able to have an all male tank. I know why the females do not have the colors and so on.....

Bear in mind that without females, the males themselves would become duller in colour, with no one to display to whats the point.

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