why commons?


The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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Why do pet stores sell so many common plecos? It seems to me that they would sell more of the smaller variety of pleco but 20" commons seem to be the most popular. Does anyone know why. I ask because I have talked to a lot of people who bot commons not knowing how big they get. My theory is that the pet stores sell them in hopes of tricking you into buying bigger tanks as the fish grows.
I guess because they are "common" :lol: Maybe they are pretty easy to breed? Who knows. Many people just think they always need a "sucker fish" in their tank to keep it clean. In reality, they probably make most tanks dirtier than clean. :nod:
It's because they are more "Common" :lol:

I think they might be a little more hardy too.
whatevers more "common" is cheapest to buy. Most bad Lfs's buy the cheapest ones because if it dies they are only losing a couple bucks and not like 30 or 40
Well rubbernose or the bulldog plec is only like $3.00 isn't it? That's how much I got mine for and they don't get large at all. :nod: The common plecs cost like $2.00 I think. I'd rather spend the extra dollar and get something that would fit in my tank. :nod: :thumbs:
that is my point exactly rachael. It is just wrong for an lfs to sell a common to someone who has a ten gallon.
I bet that most LFs's dont even know that the plec gets huge
The rubbernose aren't as hardy it seems and they don't eat algae as good. :dunno:
What about bristlenoses? They're small (4-6 in), hardy and (IMO) pretty-looking as well (just look at my little fellow :wub:). They're very common over here, more so than the common pleco I would say, probably because they breed so easily it's hard to even give them away. How's the situation for them in the UK and US?
i have seen bnose plecos ranging from 8-16 USD depending on the size....much more expensive than commons....small clowns are usually only 3-4 USD, rubbernose usually the same
but seiously I would rather pay ten dollars for a fish that can stay in my tank then 3 for one that i'll have to get rid of. It's cruel to sell commons like they do. I met a girl who has a common in a 1 gallon

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