Why Cant I Sell My Bettas?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2010
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Are bettas to readily availiable and cheap nowadays?

Ive had no interest in them what so ever

How old are they? Do you have any pictures so we can see what they are like? Betta's can easily be purchased fully grown from most shops that carry fish so people are not going to want the hassle of going to an individual breeder and getting young ones I am afraid. If I was you I think I would just see if the shop would take them off me for a decent price.
Are bettas to readily availiable and cheap nowadays?

Ive had no interest in them what so ever

Sorry that will teach me to read properly, I thought you said 'Ive no interest in them what so ever'
Do you have pictures? If they are Veiltails and are of any common colour(red, blue) then they won't sell very easy... This is the thing when people breed, they breed the first pair they get which unless imported tends to be VT(Veiltail) and then can't find homes for them because they are too readily available :/
Ive bought each of them from the same shop

2 are common blue Betta Splendans

1 im told is a cambodian

I want rid of them soon you see because i dont have time or money to keep up with them anymore
Ive bought each of them from the same shop

2 are common blue Betta Splendans

1 im told is a cambodian

I want rid of them soon you see because i dont have time or money to keep up with them anymore

Then you're gonna have a problem :/

Blue's don't usually sell very well and Cambodians are easy to come by too. Are they all male and have you got decent pictures of them? I can try listing them on a Betta Splendens Selling Page if you'd like? :)
Cambodians are Splendens. The name Cambodian refers to their white body and red fins.
Ive bought each of them from the same shop

2 are common blue Betta Splendans

1 im told is a cambodian

I want rid of them soon you see because i dont have time or money to keep up with them anymore

Then you're gonna have a problem

Blue's don't usually sell very well and Cambodians are easy to come by too. Are they all male and have you got decent pictures of them? I can try listing them on a Betta Splendens Selling Page if you'd like?

Cambodians are Splendens. The name Cambodian refers to their white body and red fins.

I have one of each apart from the smaller blue betta



I may try take them back to the shop and get credit, but i dont mind giving them away to a newbie
Can you get any clearer pics? And can you get one of the smaller blue one? Thanks.
I would happily take them off your hands if I lived anywhere near but I live on the Isle of Man lol, so nowhere near!! I love Bettas. Only have 2 so far though xxx
these taken just now but with what i thought would be better camera (Kodak C713)

Will try again tomorrow with mums better camera


Right, I have an idea. Are you on Facebook? If so, go ask to join this group so you can advertise them on there :)

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