Why are my plants dying?


New Member
Mar 7, 2022
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United Kingdom
Why are my plants dying?

Tropical tank with good water parameters, the onw near the filter appears to be eaten and browned quite bad.

We have the tank in the lounge and recieves light but not directly, we usually have the light on for 4-6 hours each day

Some plants have browned, others starting to brown and one big tall plant seems to be turning white.

I add seachem flourish once a week


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The water seems hazy, I mention this because of the other thread where fish are dying, and salt was mentioned if memory serves me.

"Good water parameters" does not tell other members anything, so could you give us the GH (this is related to the calcium and magnesium), and temperature. Are you adding salt?

What is the light data?

Having said that--and the info may tell us something here--I don't see that much of an issue in the photos. You do however have low light plants (Java Fern) and high light (the stem plant, which admittedly is not doing well, prob a light issue).
The water seems hazy, I mention this because of the other thread where fish are dying, and salt was mentioned if memory serves me.

"Good water parameters" does not tell other members anything, so could you give us the GH (this is related to the calcium and magnesium), and temperature. Are you adding salt?

What is the light data?

Having said that--and the info may tell us something here--I don't see that much of an issue in the photos. You do however have low light plants (Java Fern) and high light (the stem plant, which admittedly is not doing well, prob a light issue).
My last water test
Gh 60
Kh 0-40
Ph 7
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-20

I've ordered the api master kit to test exacrly I'm using the water strips just now

Since adding the salt which was 4 heaped tablespoons for 180l tank I've done a 60-70% without adding any more salt

The mollies do nibble at the plants which doesn't help much which i think what causes the stem plant to die
GH is fine. Mollies are herbivorous, eating algae from surfaces, and this might be an issue with delicate plants. Light is still likely an issue for the stem plants.

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