Why Are My Fishes Like This...


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2008
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i have got 4 angels...2 died and they got a see through fin...now my other 2 are getting this see through fin...i did a water change and added in some salt...from ytd, i was told it was fin rot...but now how do i cure it??? i put the 2 angels in a hospital tank with some fin rot med...however i heard a water dip can help...but what is a water dip??? my tank is cycled and my other fishes seems fine...

i have got 4 angels...2 died and they got a see through fin...now my other 2 are getting this see through fin...i did a water change and added in some salt...from ytd, i was told it was fin rot...but now how do i cure it??? i put the 2 angels in a hospital tank with some fin rot med...however i heard a water dip can help...but what is a water dip??? my tank is cycled and my other fishes seems fine...

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Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Translucent fins are finrot but mainly caused by bad water quality.
You will need a bacterial med but not familar with meds in singapore.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Translucent fins are finrot but mainly caused by bad water quality.
You will need a bacterial med but not familar with meds in singapore.

main tank: 30 gall, 1 primary external HOB filter with biowheel( jus changed the filter media for some reasons) and one small secondary cycled internal filter, planted tank with 7 plants and soil pellets at the bottom.

fishes: 1 rhino plec, 3 platys, 1 swordtail, 2 angels and 6 guppies

ammonia: 0.5 ppm (maybe its caused by changing filter media) nitrite: o ppm, nitrate: 10ppm...pH: not sure as i ran out of ph tests...

im using a med called : botanicure, which cures body fungus, does not cloud water and does not affect biological filtration...i jus done a freshwater dip with that med on my 2 angel fishes

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Translucent fins are finrot but mainly caused by bad water quality.
You will need a bacterial med but not familar with meds in singapore.

main tank: 30 gall, 1 primary external HOB filter with biowheel( jus changed the filter media for some reasons) and one small secondary cycled internal filter, planted tank with 7 plants and soil pellets at the bottom.

fishes: 1 rhino plec, 3 platys, 1 swordtail, 2 angels and 6 guppies

ammonia: 0.5 ppm (maybe its caused by changing filter media) nitrite: o ppm, nitrate: 10ppm...pH: not sure as i ran out of ph tests...

im using a med called : botanicure, which cures body fungus, does not cloud water and does not affect biological filtration...i jus done a freshwater dip with that med on my 2 angel fishes...however my other fishes seem fine
Keep doing water changes with having a ammonia readings.
Ok not sure on the med you said does it treat anything else besides fungus.
For finrot you need bacterial med and on the bottle it should say treats finrot.
Keep doing water changes with having a ammonia readings.
Ok not sure on the med you said does it treat anything else besides fungus.
For finrot you need bacterial med and on the bottle it should say treats finrot.

oh yes..forgot to mention that...it said for mouth & finrot, bacteria infections and torn and ripped fins...
Ok thats fine.
How long have you been using the med.
Ok thats fine.
How long have you been using the med.

i have been using it since ytd when i was told on yahoo answers that it was finrot...i jus did a dip today though im not sure if i did it correctly...i filled a 5gall tank with dechlorinated tp water and put in the med according to directions, i then leave the fishes in for 10 mins and put them back into the main tank,draining away the water used for the dip...i also put the meds in the main tank according to the dosage
No need to do baths if the meds in the tank it will just stress the fish more.
I would give it time for the med to work.
Good luck.

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