Why Are My Fish So Scared?

Hes talking about: Lets say your tanks dimm lighted
and you turn your lights on.
Most fish dont have the ability to ajust the size of the pupil.
There for, the pupils current size (large with dimmed or no light)
is then exposed to alot of light (turning the lights on)
As they're eyes cant adjust as well as animals such as humans
it can cause a shock to the system and cause temperary blindness.

A human example is going into the bathroom first thing in the morning.
After turning the light on, you cant see too good and cant look at the light
in the slightest.

You can at least cover your eyes, with your hands or eyelids.
Fish lacking both of these get the short straw.

So no, it being near the window wont affect that.
Turning the lights on shall.
But being close to the window increases your chance of algae :good:
Most of the fish you named are schooling fish and may be stressed because they aren't in large enough groups. How large is the tank? if it is big enough, I' get at least 4 more cories and 3 more Serpae Tetras. And the behavoir you said for plecos seems normal. Also try adding more plants and hiding places.
My gourami is the one that really freaks out, the tetras are kindve scared but come around once i am there a bit the cory is really chill haha he is never scared.
Your not mauling about in the tank every two minutes are you? If you are that's most likely why, they see you and think. Oh no!

But saying that, seems strange that your tetras are bothered, there normally bomb proof.
I don't bother my tank at all. I am gone at work for 12 hours a day and I feed them before I leave and when I come home. I also sit and watch them but that is it. I don't know what happened my gourami used to be so happy when I fed them she would come to the top and start eating now when I even get close to the tank she freaks out and darts somewhere to hide. What is going on!?
I don't bother my tank at all. I am gone at work for 12 hours a day and I feed them before I leave and when I come home. I also sit and watch them but that is it. I don't know what happened my gourami used to be so happy when I fed them she would come to the top and start eating now when I even get close to the tank she freaks out and darts somewhere to hide. What is going on!?

Has anything else changed either in the tank or in the room the tank is in? Can the fish see out of the tank better or worse than before, for example (ie. is the room brighter or darker?). How about temperature? This is just anecdotal, but in my experience fish tend to get timid if the tank is too hot or too cold.
I think the tank heats up to much in the day from the sunlight coming in from the window. Otherwise nothing has changed besides it being summer.
and i'll tellyou what,when i get that car i'm putting a portable 10 gal tank in the passenger seat and me and laverne are going on a road trip. :lol:
you're scary :lol: just kidding.

i ate sushi in front of my fishes before and they looked as though they wanted some.

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