Why Are My Fish So Scared?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2003
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Any time I go to feed my fish, turn on/off the light or get close to the tank the fish just freak out and go nuts swimming really fast all over the tank and hiding.

Here are the only fish I have in the tank:
1 Neon Gourami
4 Serpae Tetras
1 Albino Cory Catfish
1 Plecostomus

Any ideas what is going on why they are so freaked out and always hiding? Especially the pleco he hides stuck under this cave thing if I ever see him out its only for a second before he darts back under it.
how long have you had your fish?as for the plec,i think most of them are nocturnal (i could be wrong)so that might be normal behavior.
then they should be pretty well settled by now.so i don't really know.hopefully someone will come along with some ideas.
I hope so I dont know what is wrong with them. The gourami is so scared 24/7 I don't know what is going on??
you might try posting this in the tropical emergencies section.they might be able to help.sorry my sig is so huge,i'm still trying to figure some of this computer stuff.
Ok i'll try posting in there thanks and by the way for your signature just go to www.imageshack.us and upload that picture and click the resize box and it will resize it smaller for you.
if there tucked away in a quiet corner with not much foot traffic there usually alot more shy then they would be if people are walking past them most of the day.
Mine are very shy when they've been stressed out - like when I've been redecorating the tank. It doesn't help that I walk past them pretty often - when they're stressed they hide behind the bogwood, but normally if they see me they come forwards to have a nosy at me.

Have you got backing on the aquarium? If not a decent background can a) make the fish feel more secure and b) look better.

Another question is have you got plenty of hiding spaces - planting, caves/bogwood etc? May help them as well.
Whats the view like that they are looking at? :lol:

just kidding im sure your good looking

I have resized your sig for you..


put this link in your sig(take out the *'s)

How many plants do you have in the tank?
Any fish will look towards a good place to hide. If they can't find one close or for example you enter the room on the right side of the tank and the left side of the tank is bare they maybe attempting to create distance from you. (unsuccessfully of coarse cause of glass).

High Traffic?
Is it a high traffic room? Or do they live in a room where most of the day there is nothing moving? fish are very aware animals for defense purposes. So if a human walking around out of place this could be a problem.

Shy schooling fish?

A school that suddenly jumps in fright can cause the tank to become active.

Stressed Conditions?
stressed fish are uncomfortable check that the water levels are right.

Too much light?
Most fish don't have the ability to adjust from one light level to another and can cause temp blindness. (these things don't happen often in the wild)

This is a good start.
Too much light?
Most fish don't have the ability to adjust from one light level to another and can cause temp blindness. (these things don't happen often in the wild)

This is a good start.
Would my fish tank being right next to a south window be a problem?? to much light?

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