Why Are My Fish At The Surface?


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
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My water temp has raised about 2 degrees in the past 24 hours. All my fish are not swimming around the whole tank. They are just chillin at the surface, real calm. Why? Its a planted tank, dosing EI, injecting CO2 via DIY. They are not as active as normal, most are just hanging out by the floating plants. Should I worry?
Increase aeration in the tank.
Need to look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Sounds as though the CO2 level has gotten too high and the fish are near the surface trying to get oxygen. The increase in temperature would cause a raise in the CO2 above what you are injecting. As Wilder said, increase the aeration by adding an airstone or lowering the water level to allow the filter outlet to create surface dusturbance. Also, lower the temp back. Do you know what caused the rise?

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