Why Are My Eggs Going White


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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Hi there ive bred several cory species and at the moment i have jullis
i have 2 males and 2 females. they have bred a couple of times now and all there eggs within a couple of hours have a white dot in the middle and go white they dont totally fungus or anything like that.
all my water tests are fine there was a high nitrate reading 50-100 now down my ph is 6.6
i dont understand what is going on ive tried both different males with female and same keeps hapeenign the have a white dot in middle of eggs now im assuming all these are infertile
The water might just be too hard for them to breed in. Low pH does not automatically equate to soft water.
Could be infertile or perhaps its the way you handle them? do you remove them from the tank for hatching? eggs can be damaged quite easily at first if not handled gently,or exposing them to the air may turn them.
exposing them to the air may turn them.
Another myth. A few minutes exposure to air is not at all harmful while moving Cory eggs from one tank to another. For those who roll them off, the oil residue on your fingers poses a much higher threat to your eggs than any short-term exposure to air. They say the same thing about moving angelfish eggs on a slate from one tank to another. It's simply not true. - F.
well not in fertile male then .
heres the latest
left them as a group of 4 to breed and first time got 1 fertile egg only
then next got 6 fertile eggs the second time
but both these times all the rest are infertile
so not sure what is going on
they are left were they are usually
and agree when mving them doesnt cause harm
how big are your males?
It could simply be that the males are just too young, Ive had this myself with my current shoal of cories the males are simply too young, they do all the actions but when it comes to the dead they just arent up to it. As my main female is probably twice there ages and size at the moment :(
White dot in the middle is most likely a fungus issue, not connected to fertility. I see such eggs periodically with rainbows and cories, but this may happen to other species too. Below is a goldfish egg infected with saprolignia:


The photo is borrowed from here.

If you are losing all the eggs this way, try cleaning up the tank in a big way and apply antifungals.


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