So here's the deal; 4 cory species in a bare tank, aeneus, metae, panda, & pygmaeus. There's 5 or 6 of each species, well fed & fat with my usual water change schedule, 50% to 75% weekly. There's a few silk plants, some lying on their side. This is in a 20-gallon tank, now is when you get to flame me for my stocking.
A couple weeks back I did a major fishroom rearrangement, this tank was drained down to about 3/4" of water, we lifted the whole rack & moved it over 18". The water got to cool down a good 5F during the move, and then got refilled with fresh. A few days later I noticed around a dozen eggs on the glass, being in the middle of breaking down, moving, & setting up tanks I ignored them, no place to put them at the time. Moving a dozen tanks is trying to say the least.
So last Thursday I do my usual water changes. Saturday night I have a good 60 eggs on the glass. Sunday night gives me 50 or 60 more. Eggs on the glass, plants, filter intakes, in groups of around 10 to 25. I had a buddy of mine check out the spawn on Saturday, he's guessing aeneus, but could be metae. Too small for pygmys, and panda's mop spawn a couple eggs at a time. Usually.
So I roll these eggs into a 2.5 to hatch with a little meth blue. Half hatch yesterday, Tuesday, half hatch today, and get transferred to another 20 gallon.
Some of the swimmers are dark colored, could be aeneus, the ones I have are bronze. Some are light colored, could be an albino gene with the aeneus? Metae?
So, who wants to play Who's my Daddy? These guys are too small for bbs, probably about a week away from that. I gave them a couple drops of liquifry, wondering if anyone has any opinions on vinegar eels. This buddy of mine swears by them, he's been breeding corys for the last 20 years. He said don't count anything out; he's seen stranger things happen.
The best part is I didn't even plan on breeding them; the plan was to distribute them among tanks as cleanup crews once I got done rearranging.
A couple weeks back I did a major fishroom rearrangement, this tank was drained down to about 3/4" of water, we lifted the whole rack & moved it over 18". The water got to cool down a good 5F during the move, and then got refilled with fresh. A few days later I noticed around a dozen eggs on the glass, being in the middle of breaking down, moving, & setting up tanks I ignored them, no place to put them at the time. Moving a dozen tanks is trying to say the least.
So last Thursday I do my usual water changes. Saturday night I have a good 60 eggs on the glass. Sunday night gives me 50 or 60 more. Eggs on the glass, plants, filter intakes, in groups of around 10 to 25. I had a buddy of mine check out the spawn on Saturday, he's guessing aeneus, but could be metae. Too small for pygmys, and panda's mop spawn a couple eggs at a time. Usually.
So I roll these eggs into a 2.5 to hatch with a little meth blue. Half hatch yesterday, Tuesday, half hatch today, and get transferred to another 20 gallon.
Some of the swimmers are dark colored, could be aeneus, the ones I have are bronze. Some are light colored, could be an albino gene with the aeneus? Metae?
So, who wants to play Who's my Daddy? These guys are too small for bbs, probably about a week away from that. I gave them a couple drops of liquifry, wondering if anyone has any opinions on vinegar eels. This buddy of mine swears by them, he's been breeding corys for the last 20 years. He said don't count anything out; he's seen stranger things happen.
The best part is I didn't even plan on breeding them; the plan was to distribute them among tanks as cleanup crews once I got done rearranging.