Who's The Loach?


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.

Unfortunately, this is a tiny loach (compare) so a good photo is hard to get but I think it may be one of these guys:

Acanthocobitis zonalternans
Schistura reidi

I'll try to get a better picture tommorrow, once it's had time to rest. It seemed pretty stressed out from being caught. I got it for free since the lady catching it had no idea and I was looking to get some Kuhlis. There was only one of them (which I got) and this is definitely not a Kuhli. It's a light greenish color, almost transparent with darker spots/blotches and lines on it but beyond that, I can't give much of a description. The zonalternans looks the closest to it but it's hard to tell without a side by side comparison.
very hard to tell
IMO it dose look like a Acanthocobitis of some kind
Any idea on how large this will get? Right now this little guy is about a quarter the size of a Kuhli Loach but I know it can grow to ten times that size (in theory at least knowing some loach species). At the moment it's in my 10g but I have a 30 and 55g I can move it to later if necessary.

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