who's tests do i trust?


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone! Last night i checked the levels in my 25 gallon tank:
amonia - 0
nitrite - .3
nitrate - between 10 and 20 (couldn't really tell)

this morning i took a sample to my local PetSmart and they told me my amonia is 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 20. According to them my tank has cylced (it's 4 weeks old with fish in it for 3 1/2 weeks). My own kit says that there are still nitrite levels between .1 - .3 (i can't get an accurate reading) when I came home from the store. I am using Nutrafin's liquid tests, the store was using strips. Which is more accurate?

thanks so much for your help! I'd be sooo happy to have finally cycled but it doesn't seem like it took very long. I've been doing daily 10-15% water changes, using 'cycle' and only feeding every two days.

Think Petsmart may just be trying to sell you some fish

As long as you are sure you are correctly testing stick with your own tests or ask another shop to test for you.

I also prefer the liquid test kits rather than the strips
I agree 100%. You have been testing all along and i would go with your tests unless there is some reason to doubt them. For example the nitrite level stays at .3 for weeks. Test your strips against the water you are putting inot the tank and if these show no nitrates then wait for a reading from your tank that looks the same. Soounds like you are on the downswing of the nitrates and if you are it will be all over very shortly. Good Luck and remember patience, patience .... :p
tstenback said:
Test your strips against the water you are putting inot the tank and if these show no nitrates then wait for a reading from your tank that looks the same. Soounds like you are on the downswing of the nitrates
I think tstenback means nitrItes ;)

I agree too that you should err on the side of caution and go with your test kits. However if you continually get that reading, might be worth taking a sample to another store.
thanks guys! I re-did the tests again today and i'm still showing high nitrites using my liquid tests so you may be right about the lfs. Guess I'll just keep waiting it out! (i really want my tank to finish cycling so I can buy an algae eater! My rock is getting covered in the green stuff!)


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